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Receiving, Opening, and Using the Greatest Gift


This is the season when we celebrate the greatest gift ever given: Jesus Christ, sent to be the salvation of all humanity and the entire created order! Christmas reminds us that, even during the most difficult of circumstances, God is among us to bring us healing and hope, and to show us the way forward. Through the gift of Jesus, God gathers us together as a congregation meant to worship and serve in the name and power of our Savior. Even as circumstances have required us to rethink almost every aspect of our mission and ministry, God has consistently gifted to us what we need to continue to be a faithful and vital church!


We continue to offer high-quality worship in three ways – live in our sanctuary, through livestreaming and through a recorded version of the live service available on our website ( and Facebook page. We continue to offer meaningful ministries to children and their families both online and live through such events as Vacation Bible School and the restart of our in-person Sunday morning nursery and Sunday School classes (with COVID mitigation measures in place). We continue to add new followers of Jesus to our congregation through new member classes and confirmation classes. We continue to seek new ways to be connected to one another and sup- port and encourage each other. We continue to be involved in ministries of outreach locally, nationally and globally. Nothing has stopped the Newtown United Methodist Church from receiving, opening and using the greatest gift of Christmas! The gift of Jesus Christ continues to work around us, in us and through us – even in 2021, 2022 and beyond!


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